The Team

Steve Sutton
General Manager
Steve joins TRL after 13 years of working within the fuel industry carrying out a variety of roles, including …

Mike Webster
Operations Manager - Marlborough/Canterbury
Mike is an innovative leader, always looking for opportunities to meet the customers' needs and keep them trucking. He …

Brent Soper
Operations Manager - Otago/Southland
Brent is a very well-mannered bloke with an intense focus on getting it right first and continuously improving operations …

Jason Popplewell
Projects and Towing
Jason prefers the old-school approach to business and plays a big part in the transport industry and Gore regional …

James Wood
H&S/HR Manager
James is everywhere, but he avoids getting there on a plane. Covering all our branches, he is very passionate …

John Scobie
Blenheim Branch Manager
John likes to see structure and processes followed, which may have to do with his military background. He is …

Pete Cosseboom
Canterbury Area Manager
Pete has diesel in his blood and loves nothing more than solving any problems that are thrown his way …

Dean Baxter
Gore Service Manager
Dean is very much out of the Gore mold - a can do attitude with a friendly and positive …

Ben Soper
Invercargill Service Manager
Ben grew up within a small rural town, where his family ran a transport business. He has made the …

Neil Turner
Dunedin Parts Manager
Neil is a true Southern Man. He has been in the parts industry for most of his working life, …

Paul Burgess
WCR Parts Manager
Paul manages parts for the Canterbury region and has extensive experience in his field over many years. He loves …

Anthony Gibb
Southland Parts Sales Specialist
Antony will never answer the phone the same old way if he recognises your number. Some of his responses …

Kane Doorey
Business Analyst
Kane can be a very animated bloke who intensely focuses on cost and expense control. No expense gets past …